Revision Time: Cygni Corps Book 2

Today I start revising the second volume of my military SF trilogy, Cygni Corps: Task Force Altair (forthcoming from Aethon Books). This second draft will be a darker journey into hell than the first. Despite all the combat, mutants, exotic locales, and loss, I want readers to remember every character. I see them as anthropomorphized stars; some burn brightly and then disappear in a fierce flash; others grow more ponderous and cold, but endanger everything around them. Then some burn steady, despite the darkness all around them.

I already love these characters, and losing some of them will be hard. But knowing where the other characters will go in the third installment…it’s like going from Platoon in the first book, to Starship Troopers meets All Quiet on the Western Front in this one, and finally to Apocalypse Now meets 2001: A Space Odyssey in the third. I can’t wait for people to read them.

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